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Nueva Yores

by Tom TolanPart 4 of 6. (en Espanol)

“Nueva Yores.” They meant New York, the main destination for people on the Island, but the term became the popular shorthand for all destinations on the mainland. In time, everyone in Puerto Rico had at least one family member in “Nueva Yores.” Milwaukee’s first major Puerto Rican neighborhood was established in the late 1940s. It was located just northeast of downtown, in an area of older homes and apartment buildings bounded roughly by Milwaukee, Van Buren, State, and Lyon Streets.

Posted inNeighborhood News

The Riverwest Sunflower Brigade: A Creative Approach to Brownfield Decontamination

After holistic health practitioner Susan Palmieri wrote a letter to the Riverwest Currents early last month to suggest planting sunflowers on the Johnson Controls property to aid in contaminant remediation, the letter was posted to the neighborhood-wide e-mail list, RNAmail. The letter generated a flurry of responses, and a collection of neighbors calling themselves the Sunflower Brigade is organizing to explore the possibilities.

Posted inArts & Entertainment


For those who ain’t heard by now, Element’s solo song, “Show and Prove” is featured on the sound track of rapper LL Cool J’s major motion picture, Deliver Us from Eva. Her soul-deep vocals and innovative style make her a crucial force on her own as well as an essential member of the dynamic musical poetry group, Black Elephant.

Posted inColumns

Where Do You Find Peace?

Not a breath of wind. Soft sounds of the river flowing over an ancient wooden dam. The dark silhouette of a fox appeared almost by magic on the snow-covered ice. It stopped perfectly still, then silently strode on, scrambled up the opposite bank and disappeared into the woods. An absolute moment of peace… a necessary moment considering the churning thoughts and emotions left over from a very demanding day at the Urban Ecology Center.