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Citizen Kane lay on his deathbed and uttered his last word, “Rosebud.”

This is an enigma to those who hear it. But the magic that is motion pictures reveals the longing for those joys of secure childhood play. A simple toy — a sled — is what this man of wealth and power remembers as he dies. And where did Citizen Kane go after he died?

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What Do I Have to Do to Get Take-Out Around Here?!

by Kevin Flaherty / Photos by Vince Bushell

You might think if a pizza joint chose to locate near Riverwest it would happily deliver pizzas to its nearby neighbors. Not so, say many Riverwest residents. Kurt Schwanz, who bought a house less than a year ago near the intersection of Booth and Meinecke Streets, was astounded to find out he couldn’t get a pizza delivered to his house. Josie Osborne, who lives on Booth Street in the northern part of Riverwest, recalls being unable to get a pizza delivered to her house when she first moved in and wanted to treat her friends who had helped her move.