Posted inColumns

Help Worms Help Your Garden

It may be too early to plant those tender seedlings, but it’s a great time to turn ordinary dirt into rich nutritious garden soil that plants will thrive in later. A great way to start is to add vermipost to your garden. Vermipost is a type of rich organic material that is produced by worms. Vermiculture, the process used to create vermipost, is simple and inexpensive to do. One of the Greenfolks, John Gorecki, recently attended a one day workshop on vermiculture at Growing Power, Inc. Here are his answers to some frequently asked questions about vermiculture.

Posted inUncategorized

Skateboarding a Positive Outlet for Riverwest Kids

by Eryn Moris / photographs by Peter DiAntoni

Mel Fleming decided to create an organization for kids in Riverwest to help them get involved in skateboarding regardless of their financial limitations. One of her primary motivations for starting the organization was regret. “It was really amazing, because I had struggled with a lot of things in the past. So many experiences I’ve had weren’t even close to as healing as skateboarding was.”

» Related Story: The Past & Present of Skateboarding in Milwaukee

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

The Riveras

by Peter Schmidtke / photograph by Peter Di Antoni

From the living room of their two-story home on Holton Street where they have lived for 21 years, Luis and Ada Rivera recount the turn of events that led them to claim their own part of the American Dream.

Posted inBusiness Spotlight

Great Lake Zen Center: A Refuge of Stillness in the Heart of Riverwest

by Jeff Johnson / Photos by Tess Reiss

Gleaming tile floors, plain white walls, green plants, fresh flowers, a whiff of incense, and a solemn statue of Buddha mingle with the rumble of cars, trucks, and buses on Locust Street. This is meditation, not on some mountain top, not out in the woods, but embedded in bustle at the center of the city. And indeed there is stillness.

Posted inEditorials

Ah, Spring Again…

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss

Time to come out of hibernation. There really is nothing like sun on your skin and the gentle play of the spring breeze. It’s a kind of pure delight that reminds me of being a kid. I find I do some of my best thinking and writing while I am running through the streets and parks of Riverwest, though they’re not nearly as distraction-free as the cornfields I used to run past growing up.