Posted inArts & Entertainment

Performance Art Exhibition Showcases Riverwest Talent

by Jeremy Berg

Performance art differs most of all from any associated discipline in that its very nature changes with the circumstances of any given night (which is one reason that performance art frequently involves audience participation). Unlike theater, a performance art piece, while it may contain planned elements, can never be written down and done by others because “it is live, it is personal.”

Posted inColumns

Welcoming Change…The Celebrations of Autumn

As summer winds down into autumn, it’s common for people’s moods to wander down into a darker place. This has been a difficult year for many of us. Our country has become involved in a horrible war. It’s hard to escape the feeling that we have made a terrible mess in Iraq, and have no […]

Posted inBusiness Briefs

October 2003

New general store and gallery – Joe’s East Coast Car Shop renovations – Healthy Lifestyles LLC – Busalacchi building condos? – RIC purchases distressed building to rehab – E’s Online Spot – Labor Day parade

Posted inNeighborhood News

Kilbourn Park to Come Under Neighborhood Control

Kilbourn Park is set to be Milwaukee’s first community-run park, operated with input and direction from the community. This announcement from Tom Schneider, executive director of COA Youth and Family Centers, was met with a round of applause at the Riverwest Neighborhood Association meeting Tuesday, September 9.

Posted inEditorials

Riverwest, Crime, and Once upon a Time

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss

Our police department won’t tell us a damn thing. All media requests must be cleared by the chief’s office; the “community liaison” has a job description that seems to be, as far as I can tell, not telling anybody anything. It seems the only way to get good information about crime or crime trends in our neighborhood is to witness it directly or belong to RNAmail, the Riverwest e-mail network with more than 300 members, who keep each other up to date on crime in the area, among many other, more positive things.