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New Land Enterprises’ Owner on Development

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss / photos by Vince Bushell

With an unmistakably Russian accent, sitting at the kitchen table of a condo he built, sold, then later bought and lives in, [Boris Gokhman] describes how he got from there to here. He seems perfectly comfortable with his Milwaukee condo lifestyle. On leaving Ukraine, he says: “It was the right time to leave… I didn’t believe in what was going on there. The system was not in place.” He is a believer in what he builds, and his success shows he is adept at using “the system.”

By the system, he is referring to capitalism and the way things work here.

Posted inFurther Down Stream

September 2003

Aldermanic candidates – Riverwest Co-op Expansion – Center St. Daze – Flux Design – Baby Park renovation – Road Builders’ lobby – plans for Humboldt Bridge redecking – MPS makes cuts to driver ed

Posted inEditorials

$6,650,000,000 Freeway Proposal

by Vince Bushell

Taxes! Everyone’s talking taxes. The Republicans are saying the Democrats are responsible for not freezing taxes. County Executive Scott Walker says in a letter on the Republican Party’s website that he will not raise the property tax levy for 2004. Is this good news or bad?

Posted inArts & Entertainment

In Memoriam: Death of a Corner Drugstore Captures the Last Days of Oriental Drugs

by Jeremy Berg

For those with fond memories of the East Side’s one-time most popular eatery/pharmacy/hardware store/cultural melting pot, Brooke Maroldi’s Death of a Corner Drugstore offers delights just by showing footage of Oriental Drugs and its customers and staff. Yet while the first section of the video, entitled “What did you get at Oriental Drugs?,” paints a portrait of the staff and customers and offers the expected encomiums to milkshake quality and food prices, it also opens the door to a much more serious inquiry. As one patron asks, “What’s the marketplace economy if a place that’s always busy can’t stay afloat?”