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Bloodlines and Belonging: A Book Review

by Tanya Cromartie-Twaddle

The Language of Blood is a must-read for that soul on a search for identity or birthright, regardless of ethnicity. Whether trans-racially adopted or born into a long line of blood, the reader finishes the book with a better understanding of the pain of displacement and the internal battle to reclaim self without severing ties to the ones who have loved you.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Charles Perkins

by Jennifer Wilson

If you ask Charles Perkins what he does for fun, you’ll hear answers you might expect from a young person: listen to music, play video games, and talk with friends. Talk to him a little more, though, and you’ll discover that this energetic teen has a higher calling.

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Why Are You Wearing that Stupid Man Suit?

by Dan Wilson

Donnie Darko appeared on the festival circuit in 2001 to critical acclaim, and was picked up for limited theatrical distribution shortly thereafter. Typically playing in art houses and college theaters, the film played Milwaukee for two nights as part of the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee’s Spring 2002 screening series. Through word of mouth, the film has developed a cult following, and movie-lovers across the country are counting it among their favorite films.