Posted inMusic & Events

Who are the “Cuban Five”?

Imagine a country losing over 3,000 innocent people to terrorism, including passengers on its civilian airlines, just because of their nationality. And a government defending its own citizens by monitoring and infiltrating illegal terrorist groups operating in another country. Imagine the information they found, on training camps, explosives, and related plots, being turned over to the FBI — but then the FBI arrests the informants and not the terrorists! That is the story of the “Cuban 5″…

Posted inMusic & Events

Making Healthcare a Right

“Making Health Care A Right,” a talk by Kathryn Hall, founder of the Birthing Project,, and a leading organizer and motivator concerning healthcare disparities and how to remedy them, will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7pm, at Centennial Hall, 733 N. 8th Street, in the main Milwaukee Public Library.

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

A Conservatism that Once Conserved

by Richard Manning

What is the foundation of this conservatism if it disregards what the neighbors might think, that is, ignores the community standard? This is not a small matter. A misguided notion of freedom lies at the heart of the suburban cancer on the landscape. My neighbors will tell you they moved because in rural America you are free to do as you please. Where did they get this idea? Rural America, at least when there was a functioning rural America, never advertised any such freedom. Just the opposite.