Posted inEditorials

Liminal Spaces

“The mythos of Eudemon…exploring the liminal spaces of Riverwest…meeting the ordinary folk and having a good time.”

The mysterious Eudemon has been a character in Riverwest Currents since the paper’s beginning. From the Greek, Eudemon (or eudaimon, or eudaemon) means “Good Spirit.” But what are these “liminal spaces” he’s always exploring?

Posted inArts & Entertainment

North Division Renaissance

In the midst of a renaissance taking place at North Division High School, an artist is working with kids on a project that represents an earlier renaissance. Riverwest artist Eddie Davis has designed a mural and, with student help, is bringing it to life in the hallways.

Posted inHarambee Connection

HOPI Plans New Home

The Harambee Ombudsman Project will be proudly celebrating their 25th Anniversary with a gala affair, on Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at the Radisson Hotel – Mayfair. The event will include a noted speaker, a dinner, a silent auction and entertainment.

Posted inUncategorized

Garden Park: The Story Continues

As reported earlier this year, Garden Park, at the corner of Bremen and Locust Streets, was one of two Milwaukee recipients of federal brownfield remediation money, a project in which Department of City Development brownfields specialist and Riverwest resident Benjamin Timm has played a key role. The award of $125,000, part of the first round of Wisconsin’s new Greenspace and Public Facilities grants, was announced at a joint press conference on May 20 by Mayor Tom Barrett and Governor Jim Doyle.