Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Millie McDonald

On the opening day of classes for the 2004-2005 school year, Millie McDonald headed across the river to Maryland Avenue School. There she helped her three children settle into their new Montessori classes, then she headed south to start her own classes at Alverno College. Going to school has been a major theme in Millie’s life for a decade.

Posted inEditorials

A Farewell


Dear Readers,

This is my last month as editor of the Riverwest Currents, so this is a goodbye of sorts. I’m not leaving the city or the neighborhood, but I am moving on to new editorial challenges and opportunities.

It is not without sadness that I leave the Currents, even though working on it has been a wild ride at times. Helping plan this publication in December of 2001 with Vince Bushell, we were full of ideas about what we wanted to accomplish and who we might tap to write articles….