Posted inTelling Our Stories

Making Rags

In every house I’ve lived in, there is a drawer filled with neatly folded rectangles of soft cloth: torn up sheets and pillowcases, dismembered tee shirts. Often their patterns are familiar. A favorite dress or comfortable shirt has slowly faded with use, until it no longer serves its original purpose…

Posted inNeighborhood News

Holton Street’s Hidden Gem

Once upon a time, the apartment building at 2767 N. Holton (& Hadley) was quite a fashionable place to live on Holton Street. Built in 1925, this hidden gem has been a boarded eyesore and overrun with pigeons for the last 12 years. The property, recently purchased by Dennis Miskowski and a partner, is being restored to its former dignity.

Posted inEditorials

No More Ms. Nice Guy

Helloooo, Riverwest!

It’s great to be back! I’ve spent the last year on the other side of the river, working in a nice big brick building. Oh, how I missed Riverwest.

I missed the neighborhood; the cynicism, the optimism. I missed the long discussions that had no need for conclusions or action outcome lists. I missed the simple things — shopping in the alleys on moving day, visits to the free box.

Posted inNeighborhood News

Future Perfect

Sitting on a couch in a basement office of the Marcus Center, a group of young actors and musicians from First Stage Children’s Theatre and the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra happily gab about (can you believe it?) — rehearsing! Soon they will practice, practice, practice in a 56,000 square-foot Youth Performing Arts Center located on Martin Luther King Drive and West Walnut Street, where a portion of the Schlitz Brewery once stood…

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe

Ah, Rene. This is not a pipe! Nor is that a glacier, nor that an anvil, nor are those fingerprints. Magritte said it so well with so few words. I gaze upon the refrigerator magnet and contemplate the tempest of words trying to describe David Middlebrook’s sculpture in Gordon Park.