Posted inArts & Entertainment

Picking Away at the Bremen Cafe

by Thomas Durkin

On any given night, several venues provide Milwaukee music aficionados with a variety of choices when it comes to live music. With most places charging reasonable covers, the opportunity to see and hear live acts is readily available. One spot worth stopping is the Bremen Cafe. On Monday nights, friendly crowds gather to hear aspiring musicians work out their material.

Posted inNews

The Milwaukee Venue Project

by Jeremy Berg

Teenagers, perhaps more than any other social group, are always on the lookout for somewhere to go, something to do, somewhere to be. Here in Beer City, that’s not always easy to find. The members of the Milwaukee Venue Project (MVP) are of the opinion that a change is necessary.

Posted inBusiness Briefs

June 2003

Matyas Building (Holton St.) Rehab – Busalacchi constructing storage lockers on old CMC railroad land (E. Chambers & Weil), much to the dismay of residents and Alderman D’Amato – John Goldstein, president of the Milwaukee County Labor Council, honored by MICAH. – Onopa kitchen plans

Posted inEditorials

Prairie Dog

by Vince Bushell

I know trying to define one’s public persona is near impossible, and it may be presumptuous of me to assume I have one. However, publishing a paper puts me in a situation akin to an ambitious prairie dog that is constantly sticking his head up out of his hole. Sooner or later someone is going to take a shot at the dog.

Posted inColumns

A Milwaukee Transit Journal

[twocol_one] Notes From the Bus Stop by Tanya Cromartie-Twaddle Waiting for the #14 on the corner of Holton and Burleigh, it comes to me. Buses crisscross this city. Past quaint bungalows, failing malls, high-priced condos, green boarded drug houses, fancy Pick & Saves, and shabby corner stores. Routes stretch from the glitter of our lakefront […]