Posted inColumns

Sisterhood and Community Healing

What a cold and distant place a woman must descend to in order to watch her own flesh and blood baby waste away. Recent news stories about two sisters accused of neglect and murder crippled me emotionally. How could they keep their dire circumstances hidden, and did they have anyone in their lives to save them from themselves…to save the children from them?

A grandmother? An Auntie? A sister-friend? Anyone?

Posted inColumns

How can the climate be warming when it’s -9 degrees Fahrenheit outside? Why do some plants stay green in the fall?

Honestly, when I woke up sometime in early February and it was as cold in Riverwest as it was in Anchorage, I asked the same question — but only for a second. Because I know the question is actually misplaced. The fact that it’s -9 F outside has nothing to do with whether the climate is warming or cooling. Neither does the mid-summer day when it is a desperate 99 F. …

Posted inEditorials

Why Not?

s-linne.jpgby Sonya Jongsma Knauss

Riverwest has a reputation as an activist neighborhood, and for good reason. There are many people and groups here who take an active and visible role in both formal and informal “self-government” in our neighborhood — whether that means advocating for certain positions and ideals at city, county, state, or national government levels, or participating in a neighborhood organization or block club. But there are some groups that have been missing from the table.

Posted inMusic & Events

Showdown at Aftermath: A Multimedia Arts Spectacular

SHOWDOWN AT AFTERMATH A Multimedia Arts Spectacular from the Students of the UWM Peck School of the Arts April 16 & 17 The students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Peck School of the Arts are introducing a new event to Milwaukee’s arts scene: Showdown at Aftermath. Showdown, a multimedia arts spectacular featuring performances and exhibitions, […]