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Holton Street: Where East Meets West

by Tess Reiss and Carrie Trousil

Holton Street is an 18-block stretch of urban contrasts — from the industrial and commercial bustle of Capitol Drive on the north, to a tumble of shops, churches, bars, and gas stations, down to the bridge at Brady Street on the south end. It is chock-full of houses, both carefully cared for by diligent homeowners and careworn by negligent owners. It is a street of timeworn commercial edifices that once teemed with the interchange of neighborhood commerce.

Posted inBarhopper

St. Patrick’s Day

Ah, the feast of St. Patrick, which we remember every year with free bus rides from Miller and green variants of their product. In the spirit of the holiday, the Barhopper has decided that March shall be a month for Irish bars. Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be found in Riverwest, so we had to venture a bit further afield. Hey, it could be worse. I could’ve gone to Ireland. Wait, no I couldn’t’ve; I spent all my money on beer. (Reviewed this month: Hooligan’s & County Clare.)

Posted inMusic & Events

Odds n’Ends

The Milwaukee Art Museum is offering free general admission on Mondays in March for Milwaukee County residents. The museum is promoting its programs as a great way to expose kids to art, especially since public schools have cut 25 full-time art teachers in the last year. . . . . . . . . . […]

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

What Do Standardized Test Scores Really Prove?

by Brian Kalish

Suppose for a moment that they had gotten away with it, that no one had found out. Suppose for a moment that the scores had come in, showing a quantum leap in student achievement without any suspicion of wrongdoing. The assumption would be that Palmer Elementary School, 1900 N. 1st St., had been doing everything right, that they were perhaps the only school in the district that had adequately prepared its students to master the content of the Terra Nova exam.