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The Grapes of Activism & the Politics of Meaning

“The Right is correct; there is a huge spiritual crisis in America. And the Left doesn’t get it,” said Rabbi Michael Lerner, an antiwar activist in the 1960s, editor of Tikkun magazine in Berkeley, and organizer of the conference. And with that, the conference began with the launching of a new initiative, the Network of SpiritualProgressives (NSP) to help bring about the spiritual transformation of society and politics in America.

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Shawn Gurath — All Over

Shawn Gurath lives and works in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood where he also directs The Academy of Unconventional Art — a storefront studio where he teaches classes, throws art shows, and makes art. Gurath began his art studies at UW-Milwaukee. He then strayed from the academic path and took an uncharted and self-directed one.

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Camera for Hire

When making arrangements to meet with Heidi Spencer, the filmmaker asked, “Wanna grab a beer?” Not having to be asked twice, I agreed to meet her at Paddy’s Pub, which showed movies on a huge screen behind us. As we sipped our pints of Guinness and smoked her American Spirits, Spencer talked about how she always wanted to put her music into films. After getting a C+ in her first film class, she dropped out of film school and traveled all over the country. After “hitting the end of the road so many times” at the age of 25, she decided to start over. She graduated with a BFA in Film at UWM this past December with high honors, and took first place in the Student Film Festival a couple years ago.

Posted inBusiness Spotlight

Shalem Healing

For Robert Fox, who recently moved his practice from Wauwatosa to Riverwest, it could also mean the balance of Eastern and Western healing traditions. Fox, who has a Master of Science degree from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in Racine, uses the Eastern approach to the body and healing along with Western science. “I use the ancient wisdom and the modern technology,” he explains.