Posted inUncategorized

Clearcutting in Shorewood

Clear-cutting trees and foliage on the west bank of the Milwaukee River between Hubbard Park and Capitol Drive has alarmed residents of Riverwest and Shorewood, as well as the River Revitalization Foundation, Urban Ecology Center, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and Shorewood’s Village Board.

Posted inEditorials

Valuing Children

After the divorce, my mom worked at a daycare center for a while. She was a full time student patching together jobs to support her two daughters while trying to get an education that would allow her to give us a better life. She would tell us about the kids at the center sometimes, and you could tell that she cared about those children.

Posted inUncategorized

People vs. Property

In a town made famous by its beer, the most famous place to belly up and have one is probably Wolski’s, a family owned establishment since 1908. The bar itself can be hard to find, tucked inside an old cream city brick house along wandering Pulaski Street, a few blocks southeast of a westward bend in the Milwaukee River. But bumper stickers proudly proclaiming “I Closed Wolski’s” are not nearly so obscure. They have been plastered all over town for more than a generation.

for the publisher’s opinion,

see the editorial

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Mathibela Sebothoma

The Neighbor Spotlight focuses this month on a man who is a recent arrival to Riverwest. Mathibela Sebothoma moved into the rectory at St. Mary Czestochowa last December when he began his studies at Marquette University. He came here from South Africa where he lived through a remarkable time of history.

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Riverwest ArtWalk: FAQ

ArtWalk is the state’s largest walking tour of artists’ homes and studios, neighborhood galleries and various alternative spaces. It is organized and sponsored by the Riverwest Artists Association (RAA). The walking tour includes more than 100 established and emerging visual artists and performers at 40 site throughout Riverwest. Many area restaurants and taverns also participate, giving the event the overall quality of a neighborhood-wide open house for the arts.