Posted inBusiness Briefs

September 2002

Riverwest resident Kris Roberts is planning to open a new bar at 701 E. Center St., in what was until recently Tony’s Bar. The new establishment, The Riverhorse, will offer alcoholic and other beverages, a variety of sandwiches, and pizza. Renovations are underway, and an art deco decorating theme is planned.

Posted inUncategorized

Points of Interest about BurningSnow Center and Snowflake Village

“There were people from Milwaukee there before us, but we were the first to really get organized. We wanted to give something back. So in 2000 we organized the first-ever theme village from the Midwest, and every year it just gets bigger and better. Call it Urban planning in a temporary city. We extended the […]

Posted inNeighborhood News

Riverwest Art Walk: Frequently Asked Questions

Artwalk is the state’s largest walking tour of artists’ homes and studios, neighborhood galleries and various alternative spaces. It is organized and sponsored by the Riverwest Artists Association (RAA). There are generally about 30 different sites on Artwalk spread out across Riverwest. Many area restaurants and taverns also participate, giving the event the overall quality of a neighborhood-wide open house for the arts.