Posted inColumns

A Party of One

I often wish to be excused from the human race. I hear the news, but cannot identify with those events. In my world, people would live in peace and harmony. Children would be well fed, educated, and polite. Life would be simple, balanced, and graceful – like poetry. When aliens arrive here, I will say […]

Posted inColumns

Circle A

Eudemon climbed the couple of stairs at the entrance and opened the door. It sits right where Weil Street hits Chambers, next to the abandoned railroad. Circle A is an old small neighborhood bar with a little parking lot and a bike rack. Just as Eudemon expected, it was a small place with a few […]

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Emil Kuester

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss

Emil Kuester has watched Center Street change from a quiet neighborhood with stores on every corner to a street peppered with empty storefronts. Now, from his front porch, he’s watching it come back to life.