Posted inEditorials

Good Time to Buy

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss I am in the midst of packing boxes as I write. I may still be in the midst of packing boxes as you read. We are getting ready to leave our first residence in Riverwest and moving to our first home. It’s only seven blocks from where we live now, but […]

Posted inNeighborhood News

BurningSnow Center and Snowflake Village

“There were people from Milwaukee there before us, but we were the first to really get organized. We wanted to give something back. So in 2000 we organized the first-ever theme village from the Midwest, and every year it just gets bigger and better. Call it Urban planning in a temporary city…”

Posted inNeighborhood News

Milwaukee Group Makes Impact at Nation’s Strangest Festival

There might seem little connection between such a decidedly “left-coast” event [like Burning Man] and stolid Midwestern Milwaukee. But a local group has been gaining influence at the festival, and has created a related arts organization here in the city. It is called the BurningSnow center for the ExperiMENTAL arts, devoted to bringing a distinct Midwestern voice to this important event.