Posted inEditorials

Liminal Spaces

“The mythos of Eudemon…exploring the liminal spaces of Riverwest…meeting the ordinary folk and having a good time.”

The mysterious Eudemon has been a character in Riverwest Currents since the paper’s beginning. From the Greek, Eudemon (or eudaimon, or eudaemon) means “Good Spirit.” But what are these “liminal spaces” he’s always exploring?

Posted inEditorials

No More Ms. Nice Guy

Helloooo, Riverwest!

It’s great to be back! I’ve spent the last year on the other side of the river, working in a nice big brick building. Oh, how I missed Riverwest.

I missed the neighborhood; the cynicism, the optimism. I missed the long discussions that had no need for conclusions or action outcome lists. I missed the simple things — shopping in the alleys on moving day, visits to the free box.

Posted inEditorials

A Farewell


Dear Readers,

This is my last month as editor of the Riverwest Currents, so this is a goodbye of sorts. I’m not leaving the city or the neighborhood, but I am moving on to new editorial challenges and opportunities.

It is not without sadness that I leave the Currents, even though working on it has been a wild ride at times. Helping plan this publication in December of 2001 with Vince Bushell, we were full of ideas about what we wanted to accomplish and who we might tap to write articles….

Posted inEditorials

Diversity is Our Alibi

Recently I heard this revision of the popular “Diversity is Our Strength” slogan that is featured on yard signs all over Riverwest: “Diversity is Our Alibi.” I assume the intended point is that there’s a lot of white liberal backslapping about living in an area with an unusually high level of non-white minorities. On the […]

Posted inEditorials

The Budget Fuse


Mayor Tom Barrett is prepared for the fireworks.

That wouldn’t be the 4th of July variety that Milwaukeeans can take in July 3 at the Lakefront, in Gordon Park on July 5, or for weeks to come as neighbor kids set off what remains from this month’s celebration.

The fireworks he was talking about in a June 28 budget hearing at Riverside High School were the fiscal kind. To live up to his campaign promise of not raising the tax levy, Barrett asked departments to submit budgets that would make up for the anticipated $34 million shortfall.