Posted inBarhopper

Back to School

That’s right, it’s September, and when I think September, I think wombats. But that’s another story… It’s school time again, and we here at The Barhopper have ventured far abroad from our Riverwest home base for the benefit of our loyal readers at UWM.

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Art Muscle

I’ve been thinking of mouths lately, not about just what comes out or in, but the whole mechanics. I love to watch mouths interact with each other or sometimes doing their own Merce Cunningham movements. Rarely have I encountered such a delightful combination of the impish serious drama between eyes and mouth as I have with Jenny Bohr.

Posted inA&E Briefs


Leave your kiddies home if you go to see Robert Melee’s work (now through Sept. 18) at the Milwaukee Art Museum. It’s part of their ongoing “Currents” exhibitions (this is #31) designed to keep us abreast of what’s new on the contemporary art horizon. The wild installation is in the old Cudahy Gallery which used to feature smarmy paintings of cows and such, and to say the space has been transformed is an understatement….

Posted inColumns

Canine Separation Anxiety

Most dogs can handle periods of time alone, but for others, isolation can be so upsetting that they suffer overwhelming anxiety and may engage in destructive behavior. Dogs with separation anxiety might chew or scratch through doors, defecate or urinate indoors, bark and/or whine repetitively, and even show such self-destructive habits as chewing or licking areas of their body until hairless and raw.

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe

Ah, Rene. This is not a pipe! Nor is that a glacier, nor that an anvil, nor are those fingerprints. Magritte said it so well with so few words. I gaze upon the refrigerator magnet and contemplate the tempest of words trying to describe David Middlebrook’s sculpture in Gordon Park.