This Friday it is a short trip over to Boobie’s Place — 502 W. Garfield. Boobie’s is just west of MLK Drive on Garfield. The large windows of the bar/restaurant look out onto the unusual cityscape of Halyard Park.
Have You Heard About Harambee?
“Harambee” is a Kenyan word. During Kwanzaa, each evening a candle with a special significance is lit by the leader of the ceremony. Then everyone says something about what the candle symbolizes–unity, for instance, on the first evening of Kwanzaa. Then the leader shouts “Harambee!” (hah-rahm-BEH) which means “Let’s all pull together.” Everyone else shouts […]
Riverwest Artists’ Association
Many of the recent articles in the Currents have focused in one way or the other on aspects of change, not only in Riverwest but in the larger world community. Gentrification, the break down of families, urban planning, crime — these are just a few of the many topics we report on that fall under the general category of the changing nature of the world around us.
Eighteenth Annual Artwalk: A Community Celebrating the Creative Spirit
Each year at the height of the fall season, members of the Riverwest Artists Association put down their rakes and open their homes, studios, and galleries for one of the finest walking art tours in the Great Lakes Region.
Gentrification: Artists and Yuppies Working Together
Artists who just want a space of their own may have difficulty with the idea that their own way of life might drive them and other people out of the neighborhood. This special feature includes links to many readings on the web, excerpts from Milwaukee’s Housing Strategy, a poem about Chicago’s Wicker Park Yuppification, and Gentrification Resistance Tools for Freak Bohemians.
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