Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream June 2008

CENTER ST NEWS – At long last, the Riverwest Artists Association is vacating its Post Office Box. RAA recently became the proud new owner of the former Jazz Gallery at 926 E. Center St., another building
previously owned by Bob Klavetter. Watch for a grand opening on Sat, July 26. The fresh energy being generated by all the new property owners on the street is spurring talk of getting a Center St. business association going again.

Ticket & Tow Warning!  read more—-

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream April 2008

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The winter of 2007- 2008 went on record as the snowiest of the century when 12.4 inches of snow fell from 6 am on Good Friday, March 21 until Saturday at 4 am. It’s the second highest total in Milwaukee with 96.9” – just behind the top spot of 109.8” in 1885-86.

All of the previous snow had just melted down when the city got socked again on the second day of Spring. If this keeps up, number one is just around the corner!

Posted inNeighborhood News


Some people, when compelled to take action regarding a specific issue, will demonstrate or protest. Others, like the Earth Poets, take action with words.

On April 18 and 19 the Earth Poets will be joined by various musicians at the Urban Ecology Center and the Coffee House to address environmental issues, and call people to action through their poetry and lyrics.

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream March 2008

FROLIC AT THE FOLLIES! Be amused and amazed by your neighbors at the Riverwest Follies – in celebration of six years of chewy news from the Riverwest Currents. See it all on Linneman’s vast stage: circus acts with a man eating chicken, belly dancers, Insurgent Theater, Eat the Mystery, and more on Sat, March 1. Only six bucks; doors open at 7PM; show at 8PM. See you on the stage or in your seat! Ciao Meow!