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Some Views from Here

How I Spend My Time By Monica Ledbetter (14) Time with friends after school is spent talking on the phone, listening to music, and most of all, doing my homework. Phone conversations are about boys and girls; who is going out with who and who was talking about who. There is a time out for […]

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What Would “Green” Restoration and Remodeling Work Look Like?

by James J. Godsil, President, Community Roofing, Inc. I think there are many things that restorationists and remodelers could do to increase the planet-friendly nature of their work. In roofing, for example, I would argue that complete tear-downs and oriented strand board or plywood decking is contrary to the essence of green restoration. Why not […]

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Summer Adventures at the Urban Ecology Center

by Beth Fetterley and Jenny West The Urban Ecology Center will soon be kicking off an array of summer programs for young people who have completed grades one through 12. Jenny West, who participated in last year’s Outdoor Leaders program for high schoolers, says “you would be surprised at what nine strangers and a handful […]