Posted inArts & Entertainment

Stitch by Stitch, Bead by Bead

by Jackie Reid Dettloff

Anne Kingsbury is known to many Riverwesters as the founder and director of Woodland Pattern Book Center. But what people may not know is that Kingsbury is a visual artist extraordinaire, “one of Wisconsin’s more accomplished but under-hyped artists,” according to one critic. This fall, her hand-stitched creations have been on exhibit at the Peltz Gallery at 1119 East Knapp Street.

Posted inRNA News

Police Chief, Water Works Head Meet with Riverwest Residents

by Lorraine Jacobs and Sonya Jongsma Knauss

At the Riverwest Neighborhood Association’s final meeting of the year, several city officials generously gave up part of their evening to answer questions from neighbors. First up was a presentation by new police chief Nan Hegerty, who was accompanied by Capt. James Shepard, Lt. Don Gaglione, and P.O. Bruce Scott.

Posted inMusic & Events

LOST FILM FESTIVAL comes to Milwaukee

In the midsts of Teargas, police brutality, censorship, and repression in the name of “Homeland Security” there is a movement of independent mediamakers dedicated to maintaining a free and open press. Lost Film Festival celebrates freedom of expression by traveling around the world, presenting controversial work often glossed over by the corporate press.

Posted inEditorials

A View from the Future: How We Changed the World

by Jan Christensen

In the end, the Resistance was known for one thing — they simply would not participate. Not in the 24-hour economy, the 60-hour work week, the flag-waving parades, the media manias, the permanent fear, the cheers for the troops. And then there was their mark, of course. It crept into daily life, until it became a constant reminder that these really were bleak times. Until one day you no longer knew who was in control — the empire that was everywhere — or this invisible revolution.