Posted inRNA News

Full RNA Gentrification Position Paper

(This is an evolving document with this version approved in principal at the Development Committee meeting on January 11, 2003.) The natural environment, plus the diversity of its people, businesses and buildings makes Riverwest unique in Milwaukee. Our neighborhood has been discovered in recent years by a new group of investors and people with a […]

Posted inNeighborhood News

Becoming “Successfully Gentrified”

In recent years, Riverwest has been primed for gentrification. Higher property values near Brady Street to the south, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee area to the east, and the booming Brewers Hill neighborhood to the southwest are causing an increase in housing demand in Riverwest and driving up housing costs and property taxes.

Posted inColumns

It’s Happening

The official buzz is in the streets. In mid-January Tom Daykin wrote a front page Sunday feature in the Journal Sentinel about Riverwest as an up-and-coming neighborhood. It will be interesting to see what and who we “draw” in the next couple of years. Will the changes be substantial and dramatic? Will we lose our diversity? Will old-timers feel pushed out by “outsiders?”

Posted inRNA News

RNA’s Position Paper on Gentrification

The following is the introduction to the RNA’s gentrification position paper, which will be discussed and voted on at the Feb. 11 RNA meeting. After the introduction, the paper goes on to explain the three main elements in detail. It was crafted and modified by Jerry Patzwald, chair of the RNA Development Committee, and other members of RNA.