Posted inUnder Currents


The Story of Tyler Rintas and His Providers

Tyler Rintas tells one of my favorite types of tales — wild, chaotic, kinky, and truly stranger than fiction. A year ago Rintas, a UWM-Milwaukee film school graduate, decided to investigate the mysterious world of escort services. His curiosity formed the seed of an idea that after many changes lead to his final project — a comic book and multimedia endeavor called Providers Under the Influence.

Posted inHarambee Connection

A Slice of American History: Carter G. Woodson

by Charlesetta Thompson In February of 1926, Carter G. Woodson, an historian and visionary, established Negro History Week, the event that turned into what is now Black History Month. Dr. Woodson came from humble beginnings. The son of emancipated slaves, Woodson spent his childhood working in the coal mines of Kentucky. He enrolled in high […]

Posted inUnder Currents

Let’s Start a Revolution

Like many creative projects, Kristin Catalano’s Let’s Start a Revolution isn’t exactly what she set out to make. While visiting family on break from UCLA, her cousin took her to see Trolley, and the rest, as they say, is now available for sale at Exclusive Music Company. “I wanted to do a documentary on my family originally, but my grandparents weren’t very cooperative. I still want to do that. . .it was more like, ‘Wow you guys are so good.’ It was very of the moment, very right place, right time. It really helps them as a promotional tool, too.