Posted inArts & Entertainment

Art vs. (Witch)Craft

While the rest of the kids are busy slamming quadruple espressos and filling ashtrays to unnatural capacities at Fuel Cafe, some may want to escape to Riverwest’s newest addition Tree of Life. Located across the street from the Foundation at 2713 N. Bremen St., Tree of Life serves as a bookstore, artisan gallery and temple for Milwaukee’s Neo-Pagan/Wiccan community.

Posted inBusiness Spotlight

A Way With Words

by Mary Vuk In 1979, Anne Kingsbury and Karl Gartung bought a run-down building at 720 East Locust Street. After much cleaning, repair and tender loving care, Woodland Pattern Book Center officially opened its doors in 1980. “It took three days just to wash one of the ceilings,” said Anne Kingsbury, now Executive Director of […]

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream December 2004

Any interested in learning of news or events in the 3rd Aldermanic District can now access this information through an email network called E-notify. Sign up and receive periodic updates on neighborhood events, legislation, and issues affecting the neighborhood. You can subcribe at indicating you would like to receive emails from the “3rd Aldermanic […]

Posted inHarambee Connection

Choosing The Reader’s Choice

Perhaps if there were as many neighborhood bookstores as there are neighborhood liquor stores, communities as a whole would be more literate. Then again, there is a slight possibility that people would just walk a little farther to get drunk. Not, however, if they had bookstores abundant with endless reading options like The Reader’s Choice, 1950 N. Martin Luther King Dr.