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September 2013

(Ongoing events appear at the bottom.) 1 SUNDAY  CIRCLE A 932 E Chambers, Evacuate the Earth, The Fox & The Hounds (Chi) 8PM / DJ Fazio 10PM RIVERWEST GARDENERS MARKET 821 E Locust, The Squeezettes (see ad Page 5) 10AM-4PM RIVERWEST PUBLIC HOUSE 815 E Locust, Night School: How Do We Build Community? w/ Pastor Steve Jerbi of […]

Posted inNews

August 2013

(Scroll to the bottom for this month’s ongoing events.) 1 THURSDAY  5th DISTRICT CRIME PREVENTION MEETING 2920 N. 4th St, All residents welcome,  5:30PM ALTERRA AT THE LAKE 1701 N Lincoln Memorial Dr, Florentine Opera, 7PM free GORDON PARK, Humboldt & Locust, Free drop-in art activities for kids 4-17 sponsored by AWE,,  1-4PM HUNGER BOOK SALE, All Saints Cathedral, 818 […]

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream July 2013

RNA RUMMAGE – Donations are needed for the annual RNA Rummage fundraiser on Sat & Sun, July 20 & 21 at 3278 N Humboldt. Items may be dropped off on the front porch beginning July 12. Volunteers are needed to help set up on Friday evening, July 19, during the sale, and to take remaining items to Goodwill on Sunday afternoon (trucks/vans needed too!). To help out, contact Jessica at or Judie at


CAFÉ VOCAR – Due to unexpected electrical and plumbing delays, the June opening of Café Vocar (932 E Wright) got pushed back a couple of weeks. An Outdoor Patio Grand Opening is planned for July 4th, but also check for updates. Much More on next Page!

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream June 2013

Power Down Week, July 7-14

by Zahner of Transition Milwaukee

“Reduce your carbon footprint and do it together!”

Transition Milwaukee will host the fourth annual Power Down Week, a series of events held throughout the city designed to build community while using less energy. From July 7 through July 14, individuals and organizations will participate in teaching do-it-yourself skills and workshops that incorporate less reliance on fossil fuels. Last year neighborhoods hosted a “kalegate” party, clothing swap, general fix-it gathering, honey-tasting, contra dance, homemade personal care products workshop, and many other group gatherings.