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King of the Beasts: DANDELION (taraxcum officinale)

Boasting a richness of naturopathic uses, both medicinal and nutritional, the dandelion’s roar is predominantly that of a diuretic and a detoxifier. The dandelion can be used as a tonic, diuretic, hepatic, antiscorbutic, sialagogue, aperient, alterative, and stomachic. You may not know what most of these words mean, but the gist of it is, this […]

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Happiness is a Farmers’ Market

Around The Neighborhood…the mythos of Eudemon…exploring the liminal spaces of Riverwest…meeting the ordinary folk and having a good time. Eudemon carried a folding chair over to the corner of Locust and Bremen. He found a spot of shade under one of Garden Park’s trees and settled in for an afternoon of entertainment. It was Sunday […]