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Owning Your Own Gallery

“It’s really hard to run a gallery in Riverwest. And just when you realize that it’s hard, it gets a lot harder.” -Marnie Elbaum

“One important factor which could contribute to a gallery’s success

is to own your own building” -Brad Blaeser

Posted inColumns

Flower Power

Sunflower (heianthus annus) This delightful flower is more than just a pretty face. The sunflower’s raw seeds are bursting with potential life-giving force and ultra-nutrient density, putting these kernels in a unique class called “super foods” (foods that not only provide nutrients but also have the potential to assist in alleviating ailments). Indigenous peoples from […]

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A Day in the Greenfolks Garden

It’s Saturday morning, and my husband Tony and I finish our coffee early. We gather up supplies: gloves, weed trimmers, shovels, and rakes, and head off to the garden. Today it resembles a miniature jungle. Recent rains after a long dry spell have prompted the plants (vegetables, flowers and weeds alike) into a rush of growth.