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Aldermanic candidates for Milwaukee’s 3rd District speak out

The Question:

What is your strategy to coordinate a plan for the Hometown development site at the east end of the North Avenue bridge? 

There are three powerful stakeholders in this issue: Mandel, the developer; the East North Avenue BID; and the community groups gathered under the Milwaukee River Work Group who have a zoning proposal before the Council that impacts future development.

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$355K Comes In Late; Holton Plan Approved

On September 25, the Milwaukee Common Council approved the rezoning of the site at the northwest corner of Holton and Brown for the development of a 53-unit, five storey building. The proposal had been stuck in committee for over a year. Why was it so long in coming? And why, when the development itself received little opposition, was the final, approving vote still a narrow victory of 8 to 6?