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Some Practical Advice for Gallery Operators in Riverwest

by Mark Lawson Many galleries have come and gone in Riverwest, each with a unique approach to the business. However, there are enough common threads that some practical advice emerges which any prospective gallery operator should consider before starting a new business. You are not going to make it on walk-in retail sales alone in […]

Posted inColumns

Owning Your Own Gallery

“It’s really hard to run a gallery in Riverwest. And just when you realize that it’s hard, it gets a lot harder.” -Marnie Elbaum

“One important factor which could contribute to a gallery’s success

is to own your own building” -Brad Blaeser

Posted inBusiness Briefs

September 2002

Riverwest resident Kris Roberts is planning to open a new bar at 701 E. Center St., in what was until recently Tony’s Bar. The new establishment, The Riverhorse, will offer alcoholic and other beverages, a variety of sandwiches, and pizza. Renovations are underway, and an art deco decorating theme is planned.

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Rebirth and New Use Follow Failure and Abuse

by Vince Bushell

The Pulaski building (821 thru 833 E. Locust Street) used to fill the 10,800 square foot lot that is now Garden Park. The “vacant” lot on the corner of Bremen and Locust Streets is the home of a community garden and Gardener’s Market, the Sunday farmers’ market that fills the lot with people, produce, crafts, and music every summer Sunday. What happened to the building and how did it turn into a community park?

Part 1 of this two-part series focuses on the history of Garden Park. Next month’s installment will address the park’s future.