Posted inRNA News

RNA Minutes

The Riverwest Neighborhood Association (RNA) continues to work on its by-laws. Mark McInerney was introduced as a new community partner. Russ Davis, owner of Bella Luna Pasta and Cafe Vecchio Mondo, presented his proposal for a restaurant and retail facility in a vacant building at the east end of Center Street, adjacent to Gordon Park.

Posted inColumns

Why Doesn’t Riverwest Have an Arts Complex?

Riverwest has always been home to artists and galleries. However, the disappearance of most of the affordable studio space in the neighborhood due to economic development is threatening the neighborhood’s viability as a place where artists can afford to live and work. One possible answer to this ongoing problem would be the development of a large arts complex somewhere in the neighborhood.

Posted inBusiness Spotlight

La Lune: The Art of Building ‘Rustic’ Furniture

by Kevin Flaherty

When I met Mario Costantini, a kinetic interior designer, he was directing workers in Spanish in front of his furniture-making establishment. Costantini, 48, brought me inside, where an airy showroom displays some of La Lune’s furniture. The showroom, with pleasant terra cotta tiles and an abundance of natural light, opens up into assorted offices, design studios, and the factory.

He brightly introduced me to his staff as the “New York Times reporter” and proceeded to give me the full tour through his 20,000-square-foot design center and factory. The atmosphere inside is bright, with natural light available even in most factory areas. Most work areas are wired for speakers, and music fills the factory floor. The warm smell of sawdust pervades the air.