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$10 Million Addition to La Escuela Fratney

In September 1998, the school community at La Escuela Fratney submitted an expansion plan to the Board of School Directors. It was the result of years of planning that involved parents, school staff, and the community. Not being part of the Neighborhood Schools Initiative that built additions to the most crowded schools in the city, Fratney’s building plan was put on the back burner until now. Before the end of the school year, ground breaking will be held for a long-awaited $10 million addition that will nearly double the school’s current space.

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Co-op Cafe

“People always ask me ‘what do you suggest?’ Well, if they knew of some of the weird concoctions I was eating, especially ’cause I’m like, eight months pregnant — they wouldn’t ask me any more questions!”

Posted inArts & Entertainment

gutter grrls

It’s easy to spot a couple of the gutter grrls at the local coffee shop — they’re the only ones in the place having a good time and laughing at 10:00 on a Sunday morning. Maybe it was the gutter grrls T-shirt that gave them away. These Photoshop provocateurs prefer to remain semi-anonymous, “working behind the camera and exploiting others.” Their subjects always receive the disclaimer — “We will exploit you.”

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Blarney Stoned

Bridget died in 525. Ireland mourned as they had never mourned for any…with the possible exception of Patrick.

Time was when I believed Castlemaine was the grandest place on God’s green earth, but as I lay here in 2005 in an unmarked grave uncomfortably close to a four lane U.S. highway, I’m thinking maybe the whole Irish blather isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Lord knows (and I trust), those who are seeking my resting place will never ever find me, despite giving it their all. It’s thought I’m buried on the old homestead near Mina where I breathed my last near my only daughter, Mary. For the uninitiated, Mina is the very site where golfer Payne Stewart’s plane plowed into the sod a few years back. That said, myth also says I was planted in Aberdeen, S. Dak. In 1894.