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Connector Disconnect:Can we get public transportationon the right track?

by Belle Bergner Is there anything that makes acity more attractive than goodpublic transit? Public transportation aside,Milwaukee has it all – restaurants,music, art, parks, and more.But our antiquated bus systemis holding us back from whatforward-thinking residents andcity leaders want to challenge thecity to become – one of the mosteconomically and environmentallythriving, livable and attractivecities in […]

Posted inBrady Street Beat

Brady Bits

by Tim LambrechtThe Brady Street Blessing of theBridges took place on Saturday, May20. In attendance were Mayor TomBarrett, Alderman Mike D’Amato, StateSenator Jeff Plaly as well as other localdignitaries. Father Mike Hammer of theAIDS Ministry blessed the MarsupialBridge over the river and the PedestrianBridge over Lincoln Memorial Drive. Itwas nice to see a group of […]

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WArts & Entertainment

by Jason Hart In the last year or so, Milwaukee hasdeveloped a fine underground theatre scene.The underground groups of Milwaukee willbe quite busy this summer. As a service tothe community, the Riverwest Currents hascreated a guide to the small but talentedtroupes that you may never have heard of. Alamo Basement is “sketch theatre” – […]

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Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Editorial: Vince Bushell, Publisher There are several issues involving the proposed development at North Avenue and the Milwaukee River. Concerns expressed include issues related to: the environment, development, student behavior and parking. I will comment on the environmental issue. The land swap is a win for the environment. Any attempt to describe it any other […]

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Reverend Gerald Hessel

by Ellen C. Warren, photograph by Peter DiAntoni Father Gerry Hessel is a paradox. His schedule is so full that it seems impossible to keep up with, yet when he is with you, he is so with you that it feels like time is standing still. He is the rock sitting steady in the rushing […]