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Riverwest Filling Station

by Jim Loew, Photo of Bryan Atinsky by Vince Bushell

If you haven’t already, check out the old Albanese’s building on the corner of Keefe Avenue and Pierce Street. It’s looking like it could give The Pfister a run for its money, which wouldn’t be too far of a stretch, considering they are both designed by the same architect, Charles Koch.  (Hours of operation at end of story)

Posted inNeighborhood News

Residents and Police – An Unnecessary Divide

by Rick Deines,

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”  – St. Francis of Assisi 

The revelation of the mistreatment of Derek Williams while in police custody has surfaced the need for opening ongoing community-wide conversations. My hope is that we can find a way to begin a different kind of conversation that will spread across neighborhoods and include rank and file officers, the beat cops, and the Union, but in particular the average citizens who are often unheard in the discussion.

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Thirty Years of Rauen

Story by Ellen C. Warren ~ Photo by Ann Lamb

Depending upon your level of curiosity and the length of time you’ve lived in Riverwest, you have probably wondered what, exactly, goes on inside that storefront labeled “Rauen Guitars?” There never seems to be any activity around it. The parking lot is generally empty. You’ve walked or driven past many times and it never appears to be open. 

Posted inNeighborhood News

A shared use philosophy -River Trails



Public Meeting on Trails – Monday October 15, Gordon Park Pavilion, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

History: Decision to Begin a Master Plan for Milwaukee’s Central Park – 2008

By the end of 2008, members of the Milwaukee River Greenway Coalition decided they could and should start work on a master plan for Milwaukee’s Central Park. The members of the MRGC were the groups most intimately connected to, involved with, and informed about the corridor. They had been involved with the corridor for long periods of time. They possessed the information and shared a vision for the future of the corridor.