Posted inNeighborhood News

Co-op Fest

You say you need a source of income and the traditional job market just isn’t doing it for you? Or you are employed, but mentally and/or emotionally unsatisfied with the work you’re doing? Maybe you have a desire to feel more a part of the community you live in. Would you like to work toward a sense of economic justice for all?

Posted inNeighborhood News

Super Heroes

On Sunday, September 15, the clouds were grey and there was a light mist of rain. In the afternoon, I had a visitor. I can’t reveal his real name, but he is familiar to many people as the red-cowled “Real Life Superhero” known as the Watchman. It was a great moment when I handed the Watchman a copy of my finished book, Heroes in the Night. On the first page I had written an inscription — “To the Watchman — Thank you for sharing the adventure of your life.”

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Neighbor Spotlight – Mary Lee Agnew

by Ellen C. Warren It is likely you have seen her riding her floridly-decorated bicycle (“I did this so no one would want to steal it!”) around Riverwest, on the bike paths, anywhere she needs to go. She’s on that bike 365 days a year, rain, snow or sun. Mary Lee doesn’t own a car. She prefers to be out in the natural world, close to the wildlife she loves to observe and photograph.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Neighbor Spotlight – Jeff Poniewaz


by Ellen C. Warren, photo provided by J. Poniewaz


Interviewing Milwaukee’s new Poet Laureate at the Urban Ecology Center is perfect. Not only is Jeff Poniewaz considered an eco-poet and a nature poet (he differentiates between the two in that the former carries a message, a call to action), he also sat on the original board of directors of the Riverside Nature Center which eventually morphed into the Urban Ecology Center. Quite at home, he exhibits pride in the place where, until recently, he taught his UWM course, “Literature of Ecological Vision.”