Posted inRNA News

Police Chief, Water Works Head Meet with Riverwest Residents

by Lorraine Jacobs and Sonya Jongsma Knauss

At the Riverwest Neighborhood Association’s final meeting of the year, several city officials generously gave up part of their evening to answer questions from neighbors. First up was a presentation by new police chief Nan Hegerty, who was accompanied by Capt. James Shepard, Lt. Don Gaglione, and P.O. Bruce Scott.

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Mayoral Candidates on Most Important Neighborhood Issues

Eight mayoral candidates were asked the following question: “What do you think is the most important issue facing our city neighborhoods, and how would you address that concern as mayor?” Here are the answers from Tom Barrett, Pedro Colon, Frank Cumberbatch, Sandy Folaron, Martin Matson, Tom Nardelli, and Marvin Pratt.

Posted inRNA News

RNA Tackles Full Agenda

On May 13 the Riverwest Neighborhood Association’s monthly meeting did not disappoint those who came expecting the usual packed slate of engaging, timely, and sometimes intense discussions. . . . With Alderman D’Amato on hand, RNA members took the opportunity to cover a lot of ground concerning development issues and a small handful of other matters. . . .