Posted inNeighborhood News

Riverwest Art Walk: Frequently Asked Questions

Artwalk is the state’s largest walking tour of artists’ homes and studios, neighborhood galleries and various alternative spaces. It is organized and sponsored by the Riverwest Artists Association (RAA). There are generally about 30 different sites on Artwalk spread out across Riverwest. Many area restaurants and taverns also participate, giving the event the overall quality of a neighborhood-wide open house for the arts.

Posted inEditorials

What Makes this Publication Worth Supporting?

As one of the three publications that sprang out of Riverwest early this year, the Riverwest Currents has a well-defined niche. Unlike Vital Source or The Press, our primary audience is not city or county-wide. Our focus is first on the Riverwest neighborhood. . . . Our main focus is not consumption, whether it be of disposable goods, arts, entertainment, etc. But it’s a tricky line to walk, because newspapers depend on advertisers to stay afloat.

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream July 2002

A five-alarm fire caused an estimated $3 to $4 million in property damage last month to several condominuim units under construction on Commerce Street. The buildings, which were unfinished, are owned by Legacy Real Estate Partners. Although police couldn’t pinpoint a cause, they are investigating suspected arson.