Posted inNeighborhood News

Milwaukee Group Makes Impact at Nation’s Strangest Festival

There might seem little connection between such a decidedly “left-coast” event [like Burning Man] and stolid Midwestern Milwaukee. But a local group has been gaining influence at the festival, and has created a related arts organization here in the city. It is called the BurningSnow center for the ExperiMENTAL arts, devoted to bringing a distinct Midwestern voice to this important event.

Posted inBusiness Briefs

September 2002

Riverwest resident Kris Roberts is planning to open a new bar at 701 E. Center St., in what was until recently Tony’s Bar. The new establishment, The Riverhorse, will offer alcoholic and other beverages, a variety of sandwiches, and pizza. Renovations are underway, and an art deco decorating theme is planned.