Posted inNeighborhood News

Transform Riverwest • Transform Milwaukee • Cooperatives

We believe we can do this on our own. We believe we can do this with the help of our neighbors.

Cooperatives:An old meme (an element of culture) brought forward to serve our community. We copy what came before, but discover it anew as process. Co-ops are varied, so I will limit comments to the Riverwest Coop & Cafe, Riverwest Public House and Riverwest Cooperative Alliance. 

Posted inNeighborhood News

Peoples Publications Pizza Politics Public House

The evening of Thursday, June 21 started with a beer and Riverwest Co-op Café vegan tacos, music provided by Michael Bootzin. This was the celebration of People’s Books Cooperative’s (PBC) fifth anniversary, complete with candles and a vegan chocolate cake. It was also the public announcement of the move from their location on Locust east of Oakland to Center Street in Riverwest. Mike Gonzales, of PBC board did the talking. Gonzales called Riverwest the perfect location for their move. The neighborhood nurtures small business and supports the co-op movement. It seems there is no better place to celebrate than the Riverwest Public House a cooperative tavern dedicated to lending a hand to co-op ventures in the neighborhood. This event was part fundraiser and part political platform. (Learn more about People’s Books Cooperative at the end of this story)