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Kenilworth Building Update

On Jan. 20 the Milwaukee Redevelopment Authority approved a plan to sell $68 million in bonds to finance redevelopment of the Kenilworth Building at 1925 E. Kenilworth Pl.

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Our Award Winning Neighbor

What makes the Urban Ecology Center deserving of a Mayor’s 2004 Urban Design Award? Well, a lot of things. The Award recognizes efforts “above and beyond to create public spaces or street friendly buildings that are warm, welcoming, innovative, creative, urban, sophisticated and fun,” and a visitor to the Center will see all of that and more. Driving down Park Avenue for the first time, one just has to wonder, “What is that?”

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January 2005

1 SATURDAY HAPPY NEW YEAR! POLAR BEARS: Bradford Beach, Noon. Take a dip! BREMEN CAFE: Ryab Blue w/ TBA 9 PM GREAT LAKE ZEN CENTER: Regular Practice. 8 AM. MAD PLANET: 21+. 10 PM. POLAR BEAR CLUB: Annual Polar Bear dunk. Bradford Beach. Noon. HIPPY: Enroll now in CO PROJECT Q: LGBT Center. Drop-In: 5-9:30 […]

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Banning Queer Marriage
The Closet Homosexual’s Wet Dream

The morality police are coming!

Shit. Can’t they just stay in Afghanistan and leave us to our separation-of-church-and-state Constitution?

Oh, and what about that pesky Constitution? Is this historical document too old, or is it too modern for America’s Taliban? I just can’t figure it out.

Didn’t they learn anything from Prohibition, when the 20th Century’s Puritans tried to legislate their own rendition of quasi-biblical reality? I mean, exactly how would you, in the name of the guy who changed water into wine, preach that drinking is so sinful it had to be completely forbidden? Of course in the end, the ways of Jesus won out and that messed up amendment was rescinded. Now we can all drink to life!