Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Kari Behling

It’s not necessary to ask Kari Behling what is precious to her. Within a few minutes in her presence it’s impossible not to feel the love and acceptance in the air. Her family, foster kids, foster families and community take up the majority of space in her heart. Even while suffering from a nasty cold she took the time to be interviewed for this “Spotlight” because of the potential for spreading the word.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Mathibela Sebothoma

The Neighbor Spotlight focuses this month on a man who is a recent arrival to Riverwest. Mathibela Sebothoma moved into the rectory at St. Mary Czestochowa last December when he began his studies at Marquette University. He came here from South Africa where he lived through a remarkable time of history.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Wayne Carter

Wayne Carter really likes his car. He has good reason to, having worked many hours at odd jobs to save up for a 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera. He uses his car to get around the neighborhood and to his sister’s house. More importantly, he needs his car to get to school and work.