Posted inNews

November 2005

1 TUESDAY BREMEN CAFE: Matt Hendricks 9:30 pm CIRCLE A: Savage JookBox Challenge CLUB TIMBUKTU: Neo Soul Jazz w/DJ Hannibul 7pm $3-5 2 WEDNESDAY ART BAR: Live music: Jennifer & Caroline 9pm CIRCLE A: Freeform Wednesday: w/ The Brains CLUB TIMBUKTU: Optimist & MIlkman 9pm GAENSLEN SCHOOL: Family Fun Night. Tour the school, meet the […]

Posted inNeighborhood News

Wordz + Pix = Comix

The Riverwest Currents comics page was first published in September of 2003. Since then it has evolved into its present incarnation that includes work from five Milwaukee area artists.

Posted inUncategorized

People vs. Property

In a town made famous by its beer, the most famous place to belly up and have one is probably Wolski’s, a family owned establishment since 1908. The bar itself can be hard to find, tucked inside an old cream city brick house along wandering Pulaski Street, a few blocks southeast of a westward bend in the Milwaukee River. But bumper stickers proudly proclaiming “I Closed Wolski’s” are not nearly so obscure. They have been plastered all over town for more than a generation.

for the publisher’s opinion,

see the editorial

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Pentaminoes – Doug Holst

When I practically stumbled over Doug and his 13-year old Italian greyhound, Lucy, sitting on the steps outside his east side apartment, my preconceptions were instantly dispelled. The almost-40-year old artist looks more like a college student, and made me suspect that he has an aging portrait of himself in an attic somewhere. Upstairs, I was met with several rooms jammed with dozens of brilliantly colored paintings. As we settled on his futon, listening to his well-worn Iron and Wine CD, the Milwaukee native apologized for “only” having a bachelor’s degree from UWM.