Posted inArts & Entertainment

Getting Schooled in Late Night Catechism

by Dan Knauss and Sonya Jongsma Knauss

Late Nite is not nostalgic in the sense of presenting an idealized vision of “the good old days,” just as it isn’t about mocking the past. A traditionalist and an iconoclast, Sister has little respect for nuns who gave up the habit, but she thinks women should be allowed to be priests, and as a kind of penance for her past sins, she makes children’s chairs from broken rulers. A good deal of impromptu humor arises from her invitation to survivors of Catholic schools in their 40s on up to share their stories about ruler-wielding nuns.

Posted inColumns

A Milwaukee Transit Journal

[twocol_one] Notes From the Bus Stop by Tanya Cromartie-Twaddle Waiting for the #14 on the corner of Holton and Burleigh, it comes to me. Buses crisscross this city. Past quaint bungalows, failing malls, high-priced condos, green boarded drug houses, fancy Pick & Saves, and shabby corner stores. Routes stretch from the glitter of our lakefront […]

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Suicide and War

[quote]Once the poets resounded over the battlefield; what voice can outshout the rattle of this metallic age that is struggling on toward its careening future? And indeed it hardly requires the call, its own battle-din roars into song. But so far no-one has succeeded in singing an epic of peace. What is it about peace, […]

Posted inColumns

It’s Happening

The official buzz is in the streets. In mid-January Tom Daykin wrote a front page Sunday feature in the Journal Sentinel about Riverwest as an up-and-coming neighborhood. It will be interesting to see what and who we “draw” in the next couple of years. Will the changes be substantial and dramatic? Will we lose our diversity? Will old-timers feel pushed out by “outsiders?”