by Vince Bushell
Saturday March 19, Show at 7 PM   Falcon Bowl  Clarke and Fratney Streets    Free!  Follies_2016_Tea_Drawing-WEB - Edited

Donations accepted for Re-volv Solar Installation At Riverwest Co-op

On Saturday March 19th at 11:30 p.m. central time, the Sun will cross the equator in its apparent move northward. The Follies should have just about ended by that time, I may be having a beer in the Falcon Bowl bar, and we will be moving toward a future partially powered by our sun.

This year the Follies is welcoming the returning sun. Our days will grow longer and on the roof of the Riverwest Co-op and Cafe, just across the street from the Falcon Bowl, solar panels will be installed.

But we do need our community help to make that happen.

Let’s have a little fun this night and reach for the sun. Raise a little money, enjoy the entertainment, have a little food and drink.

The Follies are free, so please come and laugh and sing with your neighbors. If you can, donate money to the Reach for the Sun campaign. These free-will donations will allow us to begin work almost immediately to install solar panels on the Co-op. Any and all money donated this evening will be given to the campaign.

We will also share information about the effort and our partners, Re-Volv, a non-profit whose mission it is to seed solar installations across our country on the roofs of other non-profits and co-operatives; and the UWM Student Solar Ambassadors who have been working hard to help make this happen in Milwaukee and Riverwest.

Our partners have chosen the Riverwest Co-op and Cafe as a special place to start in Milwaukee. For more information about Re-volv and to donate online to the Riverwest Co-op campaign go to: