Posted inBusiness Spotlight

Fein Brothers

by Kevin Flaherty

Sale items are tagged with hand-written price tags, and the lack of bar coding and creaking wood floors can make you feel like you are in an antique mall. One gets the immediate impression that this is a company that prides itself on service.

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Best Push Cart Race Ever

article and photos by Tess Reiss, Center St. Daze Director

Spectators were treated to some delightful impromptu street theatre when the Swami Dolla’ Bill belly dancers stopped their flying carpet in the midst of the race to shimmy to exotic music. This entranced their fellow “Alien” racers, who swooned and lay down in the street in submission. The crowd roared and cheered when the “Aliens” recovered from their trance (as the carpet began to take off), jumped back onto their cart, and dashed pell mell to the start line to win the race.

Posted inColumns

The Riverwest Art Cart Race: “View of a Born Loser”

by Mark Lawson / photos by John Ruebartsch

Yes, I’m a loser. A “Born Loser” to be precise. I’m a member of a team that has the most consistent record for losses in the little known genre of push cart racing.

This colorful and exotic sport is alive and well here in Riverwest. It has been the kickoff event for at least four Artwalks. This year it will be the opening event for Center Street Daze on September 20.