Posted inEditorials

A Modest Proposal: Inner City Hall

by Janice Christensen

Let’s face it. People get wrapped up in their own problems. Neighborhoods have their own concerns. People in other parts of the city just aren’t interested in helping solve the problems of the inner city.

There’s been a lot of talk about “healing the rifts” of the recent mayoral election, and everyone “working together” to make our city a better place. I have to tell you, I don’t see it happening.

Posted inNeighborhood News

Upcoming Inauguration Ceremonies

Milwaukee Mayor-elect Tom Barrett and City Clerk Ron Leonhardt today announced plans for public inauguration ceremonies for the Mayor and Common Council next Tuesday, April 20. The outdoor celebration and ceremony, free and open to the general public, will take place early Tuesday afternoon, followed by a City Hall open house and receiving line in the Mayor’s office.

Posted inMusic & Events

This Weekend in RW, 04-15-04

FRIDAY, APRIL 16 HANG LOOSE, WURST STYLE, ON GALLERY NIGHT There will be a display of art from Riverwurst issues #1-4 at the Luckystar Gallery (downtown near the corner of Water & Buffalo). This is part of their Comic Pop art display and will feature other comic related art. Also there will be a Cowboy […]