Posted inTelling Our Stories

My First Time at the Burning Man Festival

Like many people my first glimpse of Burning Man came from the now-famous 1996 article in Wired magazine. It seemed almost too good to be true– a counterculture utopia, a do-it-yourself city in the desert where thousands of visionaries came together to create an experiment in temporary community. A place with no money, no laws, and no spectators.

Posted inFurther Down Stream

Further Down Stream June 2004

Neighbors report that police were at the Timothy Brophy property that was featured in the April Riverwest Currents in an article called “Brophy’s Boondoggles.” In early May, police reportedly closed down a crack house operation at 603 E. Burleigh, based on comments a police officer made to a neighbor at the crime scene. A near […]

Posted inEditorials

The Pain from the Gain

Riverwest has been in the spotlight lately, in magazine stories, radio programs, and a video documentary. Milwaukee Magazine is slated to come out with a story on Riverwest in July. It is becoming the place to be. The place to live, work, and play. The place that is diverse in name and claim, even if the connections between classes and races seem tenuous. The place many of us wanted it to be. Self-determining. Active. Full of peace, love, and goodwill with a touch of bohemian counter-culture…