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Alliance Asks for Creative Solutions To County Budget

by Karen Royster In August, the county leaders announced that there could be severe cuts in parks, swimming pools, bus service, programs for the poor, and transportation for people with disabilities as well as elimination of cleaning and maintenance in many county buildings. Shortly after this announcement, 32 organizations and religious groups came together to […]

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Marianne herrmann & Wendy basel & Darby & Alex

Story and Photo by Ellen C. Warren There’s a flourishing subculture in Riverwest which is outside the radar of many of its inhabitants. This bunch doesn’t actually recognize itself as a group, but the members are quite likely to recognize each other’s faces and, even more likely, to recognize each other’s dogs. For that matter, […]

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Ask the Ecologist:

by Belle Bergner Q: My maple tree looks like it is dying because some of the branches are dead at the ends. Is this something that will be gone next year and my tree will recover, or will it cause my tree to die? – Robin Leenhouts, Riverwest Resident A: What you probably have is […]

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Business Briefs

photos El len C. Warren Top Star 1000 E. Center St. 414-374-7571 414-460-5341 Hours (Vary): Mo – Sa: 12 pm – 7 pm Su: Closed Proprietor: Terry M. Warren The sign on the door says it all: Adults Only. Specializing in lingerie and exotic clothing, it wouldn’t be the strangest thing in the world to […]